Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cancer won- but not without a fight

mom passed away today at 1:45 PM. She was comfortable and without pain.
Cancer might have won, but mom put up a hell of a fight!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Some Bad News- Hospice

Quite a few things have changed in just a week. She has declined considerably. She has become very weak and has a lot of pain, sometimes uncontrollable.

This morning she was very weak and was unable to get up out off the couch to go to the bathroom, therefore i had to lift her a couple times. She was also unable to walk, because her legs would not support her, therefore her radiation appointment was cancelled. The doctor was called and some results were discussed.

(about a week and 1/2 ago- back story) She had been having radiation to the brain and thyroid because the cancer were in those areas. We were also told that the tumor in her uterus had grown a bit. Also a tumor on her side had surfaced and was increasing in size.

Today we were told that the radiation was not helping and that her tumors were increasing in size and that it was growing rapidly. Today, we were told that they were stopping all treatment because it is not helping.

The decision was made to have mom start hospice home care. There main goal is to keep her comfortable and reduce the pain. This is the most important thing! There will be a nurse that comes into the home everyday. This person will help with lifting and general care. They will deal with all of the medications and anything that revolves around her. We are meeting the nurse and aid tomorrow and will be discussing the schedule and what they plan on doing.

Mom started this battle with a fight and will continue to fight because she is full of courage, determination, love, humor, and support. Keep her in your thoughts!!!
Unitl i know more...
Love, Jess

Friday, October 1, 2010

CANCER Stinks!!!!

About two weeks ago mom started to have a cough- when it got worse she headed in to see the doctor. Her thyroid had enlarged and was very firm and was intruding into her air way- that was the reason for the cough. Also during this time she started to just eat liquid and soft foods because it is to difficult to eat. Then wednesday she had an apt with a surgeon to look at her thyroid. During her apt they did a needle biopsy of her thyroid and of two lymph nodes on her neck.

Today she had an apt with her oncologist and he gave the results of the thyroid. Her thyroid is cancerous- but is a metastasis from the other cancer that is in her body. This makes the cancer secondary (meaning that the cancer has spread to her thyroid from another area in her body).

We found in our appointment today that Chemo will stop. The chemo treatments are not helping Mom reduce the cancer in her body. There were small amounts of cancer cells that did conform to the chemo treatments, but the cancer has increased in several areas including her lungs. The radiation treatments to the brain have been a success- and we very thankful for that.
She has been scheduled for radiation treatments for the next 16 days to her neck area. New CAT and PET scans are to be scheduled to see how fast the cancer is growing, or if there has been a positive change in some of the cancer areas.

She is scheduled for a bone tap on Wednesday to see if the cancer has spread to the bone marrow. The reason for the bone tap is because of the long time it take for the blood counts to return after the chemo treatments.

Dr. Aronson will consult with Dana Farber Center in Boston for suggestions. We may need to go to Boston for a consult before the next suggestion of treatments.
Dr. Aronson said...It doesn't look good Honey. Rosemary responded, I haven't given up, I hope you haven't either!

All i have to say is - You Suck Cancer!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Until i know more!
Love Jess

Friday, September 3, 2010

chemo today

Just a quick update... things are going well. Mom went into the doctors today so they could check her counts. Her counts have come up since wednesday, therefore, she is having chemo today. Her counts will drop again in about a week. She will be tired today but will not really feel the affects of the chemo until next week, when her counts drop.
until i know more...
love jess

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

status quo

Mom is doing really well. The visiting nurse was in the other day to take some blood. We are waiting to hear what mom's counts are. If her counts are good she will have another round of chemo in the begining of September. Her stamina is a lot better and is even walking without a cane around the house. She uses the cane when she is out and about for security and stability reasons.
She is staying active by sewing and knitting and has many projects in the works. She is quite the busy-bee.
Nothing much has changed medically and is taking one day at a time.
Until i know more...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Doing good

Mom is doing well, here at home. She had chemo on Friday and is recuperating. She feels really good. she will not really feel the effects of the chemo until later this week into next week. She went into the office yesterday to get a shot which boosts her white blood cell counts.
She is staying active and going out of the house on little adventures with dad and/or dad and I. The other day we went down to the mall- since her counts were good and she was in no danger of catching anything- and picked up a bridesmaids dress that i had altered and mom got some new shoes for a wedding in a couple weeks. She had fun and was able to be out amongst people.
Nothing much is going on. Just doing day to day things, relaxing, and she is enjoying sewing again. She is making little children's out fits. SO CUTE!
Thanks to all that continue to send their love and support. It is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Until i know more...

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Mom is home

Mom came home yesterday afternoon from the hospital. She is doing well but she now has a new task to do at home. She and Dad had to be trained on IV antibiotics. Now that she is home she has to have the antibiotics by IV. Things are going well.
She had a CAT scan yesterday and is scheduled for a PET scan on the 10th- these are just to find out how the tumors look in her body and to see if anything has changed. She is also scheduled for a Dr's visit on the 13th which is also supposed to be another Chemo day, but we will see what happens.
Her counts are still low and are growing everyday.
All and all things are going well, and i am just happy she is home again.
until i know more...
love jess